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The Best European Cities for Expats to Live and Work in 2022

Making the decision to move abroad is never easy; often, choosing where you want to move to can be one of the most overwhelming choices to make, with a host of factors and questions to consider. With such a wide array of interesting and vibrant cities across Europe, it can be difficult to know where to start. The anxiety of selecting a city that might turn out to be completely different from what you had imagined, coupled with the fear that you could accidentally overlook a location that is perfect for you, can make the process incredibly stressful. After all, making the wrong choice can negatively impact not only your finances but also your quality of life and overall well-being. If you are thinking of moving to Europe but are not sure where to start when narrowing down your options, the Expat Insider 2022 report is a good place to start. Gathering the experiences of expats across the globe, the report evaluates destinations based on the experiences of real people who have experienced first-hand the process of moving to and settling into a new city. We’ve collated the results and have listed the top four below, helping you to get started in your search for your new home in Europe.


This Spanish city, renowned for its museums and cultural attractions, tops this year’s expat report as well as the Quality of Life Index.

With efficient, affordable public transport, a range of sports and hobbies available, and an active social scene, it is no surprise that the majority of those who have moved to this beautiful city are satisfied with their decision to do so. The city also ranks highly in terms of safety and the Personal Finance Index.


It is no secret that Portugal has skyrocketed in popularity amongst expats in recent years and has become one of Europe’s most desirable destinations for those looking to move there.

Ranking just behind Valencia in terms of overall satisfaction for expats, the city ranks first for climate and weather with expats also appreciating its culture, nightlife, and the ease at which you can travel on both foot and bike.


Madrid, Spain’s central capital known for its art and theatre, ranked as the third best city for expats to move to in 2022.

Those who have moved to Madrid have praised the welcoming culture and the culinary options that the city has to offer, highlighting how easy it is to become integrated with the local community. It also ranks highly for leisure options and in the Personal Finance Index, with


Ranking 4th overall, this Swiss city comes first in the Personal Finance Index as 80% of expats report that they are happy with their financial standing. Basel is also a stand-out option for those prioritizing environment and climate, safety and security and travel and transit, making it an excellent all-rounder.

Remember, expat destinations are far from one-size-fits-all – what might be the ideal location for one individual could be entirely inappropriate for another. It is crucial to evaluate a city based on its suitability to your lifestyle and preferences as opposed to general popularity. We also recommend visiting a location at different points throughout the year so you can relocate with the confidence that you are prepared for any seasonal changes. If you would like to arrange a complimentary consultation with one of our experienced advisers to discuss the financial arrangements necessary for moving to Europe, you can get in touch by clicking the link below.

This communication is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice, investment recommendations or investment research. You should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this communication is correct, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions.

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